Located in the historic Galleria Di Maio
2525 Main Street, Ste. 101 Santa Monica CA 90405
Warm Weather Hours:
Wednesday-Friday: 11-6 sSaturday & Sunday: 11-5
(310) 392-8853 sinfo@berryleeshoes.com


Spanning a quarter-century, Bed|Stü have dedicated themselves
to the pursuit of crafting leather goods that radiate excellence,
unwavering in our commitment to the ideals of integrity and artistry.

With each stride forward, they’ve nurtured a process that marries
tradition and innovation, a dance of hands and heart that shapes goods
reminiscent of an era when excellence was the only currency we dealt in.

We will be introducing Bed|Stü into the shop with
the following Bed|Stu. styles for women:

Baila II Cowgirl Boot - Tan Rustic Nectar Lux


Azeli Sneaker - Tang Black Delux Tang DD
