Located in the historic Galleria Di Maio
2525 Main Street, Ste. 101 Santa Monica CA 90405
Warm Weather Hours:
Wednesday-Friday: 11-6 sSaturday & Sunday: 11-5
(310) 392-8853 sinfo@berryleeshoes.com


Nora takes the best qualities of both the Jollys and Gardys and puts them
into a sleek garden shoe with a modern design. Flat contour for added
stability, and a deep tread for better traction. Made from 100% CFC-free
polyurethane foam rubber. Nora clogs are waterproof, comfortable, and
very durable. The removable Insoles are made from cork and latex
covered with a soft piece of leather.

Made in Italy
Sleek, modern design
Durable, flexible, and waterproof
1/4" deep tread pattern for added traction
Extra Insoles can be purchased separately.

We carry Nora garden clogs in black, yellow and green.


Below is a yellow Nora clog:


We also carry a fine Dutch line of garden clogs called Gardy's.